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Emotions will turn you Inside Out with this one

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Riley returns after nine years in this hugely enjoyable Disney Pixar offering... although I doubt she enjoyed this particular emotional rollercoaster. 

I confess, I didn't see the first one but my daughter had so that was our choice of movie on that June afternoon. 

And we weren't disappointed!

The Story 

Now aged 13, Riley is once again joined by emotions Joy, Anger, Fear, Sadness and Disgust as she heads to high school and a summer camp where she may have the chance to join the hockey team of her dreams. 

But as the puberty alarm hits, Riley's mind is further crowded by Boredom, Embarrassment, Envy and Anxiety. 

What follows is a clever, humorous and often touching tale that switches cleverly between Riley's mind and the outside world she inhabits. 

And it is the former where the emotions truly run riot. 

Riley loses her Sense of Worth and Joy leads Anger, Fear, Sadness and Disgust across Riley's Sea of Consciousness, negotiating Imagination Land while contending with a host of memories good and bad. 

But the new emotions, led by Anxiety, are determined to ensure that Riley develops a new sense of worth as the teen literally battles what's inside her head. 

Torn between doing the right thing versus looking cool, Riley's turmoil is brilliantly played out in a way that every person who is or has been a teen will relate to. 

Voiced by the brilliant Amy Poehler, Joy's infectious positivity is tested to the max in what becomes a straight shootout with Maya Hawke's Anxiety. 

In truth, both emotions truly believe they are doing the best for Riley, but the realisation that emotions can't and shouldn't control her is a touching moment. 

John's Judgement - 8/10

Disney delivers big time with this one in a tale full of emotion (pardon the pun) that will make you laugh, cry and, if you are a certain age, truly appreciate the emotional turmoil that teens go through. 

A big part of me hopes Riley returns with her emotions but then a little something inside hopes that they'll finally let Riley rest.

Great film! 


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