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Challenge Accepted

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It does often seem that now, more than ever, every news outlet peddles negativity. Stories of woe and hardship flood the airwaves and TV screens, while social media toxicity resonates harder than good luck stories, charity fundraisers, or those messages from people who have simply enjoyed their weekend.

Now, this isn’t to say that it is all bad news, but it has always been far easier to broaden your reach with sensationalised negativity. The old lady helped across the road by a kind stranger, not newsworthy. Old lady robbed of life savings; people want to hear about it. And so they should, by the way! I’m not going to argue that stories should not be published because they are negative or unpleasant; BBC Ten O’ Clock news would only be about five minutes long and newspapers about two pages in length if that were the case. 

I always feel, though, that it is much easier to fall into the trap of getting involved in a negative debate or letting a bad news story take up much of your free time.

And with the current government, ongoing strikes, soaring energy prices, and impending cold winter, who could blame you for not being positive?

If you are still reading (thanks by the way) you are probably thinking: He’s going on about negativity yet being incredibly negative himself.

I assure you; it gets more positive.

Like most people in the 21st century, social media is a big part of my life. I’m a writer. I need to stay abreast of what is happening if I am to make any sense of things. With that, I see my duty and my vocation as one who informs and, hopefully, entertains.

Whether I achieve that is debatable, but it gives me great pleasure to shine the spotlight on a lady that is heading a movement that literally combats negativity by only accepting positive stories each and every night.

LinkedIn was something I joined to connect with more writers and seek out further written opportunities. It has served me well on that score. However, the finest thing I have seen on this platform that works so well in connecting like-minded individuals and highlighting networking opportunities is the #positivechallenge2022.

Human wisdom coach and radio presenter, Jo Thackwray, conceived the #positivechallenge2022 with the sole aim of encouraging positive interaction only. Catching the bug, it was my absolute pleasure to share both professional and personal triumphs on her timeline, while enjoying the similar sentiments of other like-minded individuals.

Posts have ranged from individuals securing employment, to those simply reporting the joys of spending time with family. Either way, this is a positive movement that should be bottled and distributed throughout the online world.

Speaking of the #positivechallenge2022 Jo says: “I started The Positive challenge post as my way of supporting others to navigate a way through the pandemic when it first started in March 2020.

“So, it's actually been posted every day at 6.30 pm since then. We have had hundreds of people from around the world sharing their positives, making connections, and lifting each other's spirits, which has been amazing.

“I am also so grateful for everyone sharing their positives as it has helped me find the positives in my day too.

"Every day may not be good, but there is always good in every day."

The world is facing tough tests and it is going to be a bumpy ride for many. This makes my view on the #positivechallenge2022 as one of necessity rather than just another trending hashtag. Mental health is something I write about, think about. We all have it, either good, bad of both, and positivity is one of the most important components of that journey. Like most, it is not an easy ride, but movements like Jo’s give me more than just hope.

Therefore, I accept the #positivechallenge2022 and encourage your participation. It may well be the tonic you never knew you needed.

For your positive fill, click here.

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